Make some money online with Paid-To-Promote.Net

Posted by wanwarlock | 11:10 PM | | 0 comments »

I've joined some crappy sites that promised payment - paid me once in 2008 and none since, which annoys me. Other ptc sties I've joined went bust in 2008 as well.

The only good way of making money - more like pocket money, can't really make a living off it, is via adsense, chitika & bidvertiser. Do click on the links on the right there to learn more.

One such site that a friend pointed out to me today was Paid-To-Promote.Net. You install a code on your blog/website whatever and the more people visit your site, the more money you make. So far since I put in the code, I've 'received' 0.012c. Not alot but in the span of approx 1 hour, this is what I got and just for people surfing your site and staying for at least 10 seconds.

A quick search online shows that they do pay. Minimum payout is 10c, and they pay twice a month. So, not bad so far.

Do check it out:

Get paid To Promote at any Location

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